GHC screening civil rights movement documentary for Black History Month

Georgia Highlands College will be screening a hour-long civil rights movement documentary at the Cartersville site for Black History Month this Sunday (Feb. 23) from 3:30PM to 5:30PM in the Student Center Ballroom.
The event is free and open to the public.
The documentary is called “Summer Hill: A Story of Community.”
Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) notes the documentary “is a compelling look at the influence of one small, tightly knit community–its school, churches and civic leaders–on its residents.”
GPB went on to say the town of Summer Hill, which inspires the documentary, “produced many professionals, including Georgia’s first black Supreme Court justice, a famous Motown songwriter, teachers, ministers, doctors and lawyers… [and in] compelling interviews, the people of Summer Hill tell the empowering story of their community and reveal its lasting legacy of hope.”
The GHC Black History Month event, called “An Afternoon on Summer Hill: A Conversation about Community, Education, and Excellence,” will also include an interview with Summer Hill High School alumni Calvin Cooley and Bibby Morgan.
For more information about attending the event, you may send questions to GHC Assistant Professor Sean Callahan at