Eighth annual GHC Public Speaking Competition brings together 78 students to compete

Nearly 80 students from across all Georgia Highlands College’s locations came together on April 13 to compete in the eighth annual GHC Public Speaking Competition at the Cartersville location. It was a record number of student competitors this year with a total of 78.
The event invites GHC students to prepare and deliver a persuasive speech to an audience of fellow students, faculty, family and friends. Many students learn basic public address theory and practice in GHC’s Human Communication courses or Public Speaking courses.
It is an opportunity for students to demonstrate speech preparation, verbal style, physical delivery and to build experience in front of unfamiliar audiences.
“This competition provides students with invaluable experience. The ability to write, practice, and deliver a strong public speech for an unfamiliar audience is crucial to succeeding in most career paths,” said Event Director and Assistant Professor of Communication Steve Stuglin.
“Additionally,” he added, “this process helps students learn the value of research to a well-informed argument, and the importance of meeting an audience on common ground as a prerequisite of persuasion. These skills will serve the students in personal and civic life as well as in the workplace.”
This year’s winner was Joshua Mabry, a 21-year-old communication major from the Floyd campus, who gave a speech about limiting time spent on electronic devices.
Logan Maddox (2nd)
William Evans (3rd)
Javier Camacho (4th)
Riley Rule (5th).
Semifinalists Shayla Neufeld, Javier Camacho, Jacob Faile, Elijah Glick, and Logan Maddox were chosen by student judges for the “Values Award,” which recognizes speeches and speakers that best represent GHC’s shared values of inclusiveness and freedom of expression.
Thirty semifinalists received GHC t-shirts and sunglasses for making it into the second round of the event.
For more information on the event: https://sites.highlands.edu/division-of-humanities/speech-competition-info/
More pictures: https://www.flickr.com/photos/georgiahighlands/sets/72157667875113878
Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw68trX4XFBAmzuM4teUb3qm2qk_YZ5n9
This event is proudly sponsored by the Rome Area Council for the Arts, as well as Follett Bookstore Management, GHC Brother 2 Brother, GHC Student Life, and GHC CETL.