GHC launches ‘Next Step Fair’ to help students make long-term plans

Georgia Highlands College is introducing a “Next Step Fair,” which will bring together several colleges and universities in Georgia for a chance to meet one-on-one with college representatives. The event will take place in February and is open to students and the public.
The event is planned for February 20th from 10AM to 3PM on the Floyd Campus in the student center with an additional event on February 22nd from 10AM to 3PM at the Cartersville site near the library.
“We encourage our students to begin planning their college career from the very first day they step foot on a campus,” Academic Advisor Jillian Petro said. “The Next Step Fair is designed to help students who are undecided on where to transfer after completing their associate degree at GHC.”
Although the event is tailored for students thinking about transferring, Petro noted it is a great opportunity for college-bound students or students who may be considering going to college, as well.
“It is open to any of our students and the public,” Petro said. “Each college and university will have a table with informational brochures, applications, giveaways and a representative that can assist them.”
College and universities that will be in attendance include: Georgia Highlands College, Berry College, Chattahoochee Technical College, Columbus State University, Dalton State College, Georgia College, Georgia Gwinnett College, Georgia Southern University, Georgia Southwestern State University, Georgia State University, Kennesaw State University, Life University, Reinhardt University, Shorter University, and the University of West Georgia.