GHC’s last dental hygiene information session this month, reservations required

Georgia Highlands College’s Dental Hygiene program will hold its last information session for the 2021 Admission Cycle on Thursday, Feb.11, at 6 PM, in Centre Stage at Heritage Hall.
“All students who plan to apply for admission to the program must attend at least one session in the 12-month period prior to the application deadline, which is March 15 for the 2021 Admission Cycle,” Director of Dental Hygiene Regina Gupta said. “We encourage any student interested in a career in dental hygiene to attend and to attend early.”
The information session will include discussion of the application process, including all prerequisites for the program. Attending early can help students as they select prerequisite courses.
Face masks are required to enter the building and during the session. Temperature screenings will be conducted as each attendee enters the building, social distancing will be practiced during the session and attendance is limited to 25 people.
Because each applicant must attend one information session in the 12 months prior to March 15, event officiators encourage students to attend alone or to bring a maximum of one guest.
Each student who attends the session will receive a certificate of attendance that must be submitted with the application to the program.
Reservations must be made through School of Health Sciences Administrative Assistant Kelly Rice at, or by calling the GHC Dental Hygiene office at 706-295-6760.