Georgia Highlands College basketball teams to raise cancer awareness with benefit game

The Georgia Highlands College men’s and women’s basketball teams will be playing to raise cancer awareness with a benefit game on February 7th in Rome at the GHC gym. The women will start at 5:30 p.m. followed by the men at 7:30 p.m.
The benefit game is in honor of Dean of Natural Sciences and Physical Education Greg Ford’s wife, Holly, who is currently battling cervical cancer.
Shirts can be ordered at all GHC locations in the business office. Proceeds from the shirt sales and the game ticket sales will go to cancer research.
All the players will wear the shirts during warm-up, then all the cheerleaders and coaches will be wearing the shirts during the game. The players will additionally wear a teal wrist band with #FordStrong on it to honor Holly and to help raise cancer awareness.
To purchase a shirt, please visit any GHC location’s business office. Shirts must be ordered by January 29th.
For more information about the game and GHC athletics, please visit: