GHC chair joins state leadership program

USG calls on experts across the state to provide meaningful support to the college system
The University System of Georgia (USG) has named Lisa Jellum, Division Chair of Health Sciences at Georgia Highlands College, a 2020-2021 USG Leadership Fellow. As a subject matter expert, Jellum will provide meaningful support to colleagues systemwide.
“This group represents the best faculty and staff from USG institutions across the state, and I congratulate them on their selection,” Chancellor Steve Wrigley said. “Their knowledge and willingness to serve will help the system continue to focus on our top priorities of being more efficient, more affordable and graduating more students.”
Over a one-year term, Fellows will share their expertise through workshops for USG groups outside their home institutions. During the COVID-19 pandemic, workshops may be delivered virtually. Topics are wide-ranging and can vary from coaching skills for academic leaders and leadership ethics to constructive conflict engagement and change management.
“There is a lot of expertise within the University System of Georgia,” said Stuart Rayfield, vice chancellor for Leadership and Institutional Development. “The entire system benefits when we tap the leadership and knowledge from USG institutions, and it’s a tremendous opportunity for the fellows to grow and develop. It’s a win-win.”
Georgia Highlands College’s Department Chair of Kinesiology and Wellness Lisa Jellum was recently selected to serve as a University System of Georgia (USG) Leadership Fellow by the USG Center for Leadership Excellence.
As a leadership fellow, Jellum will work with others to provide support around the system and will be called upon to facilitate workshops and lessons. She added she was happy to also bring more exposure to GHC by serving in this position.
“It is great for the college to be on the stage with other schools such as the University of Georgia, the Georgia Institute of Technology, Augusta University and others,” Jellum said.
Director for Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Josie Baudier encouraged Jellum to apply for the program.
“This USG Leadership and Institutional Development (LID) Fellow program is brand new this year, and the team of Leadership and Institutional Development program included several expert facilitators and research-driven topics that Lisa explored this summer,” Baudier said. “In this role as a fellow, she can guide and support faculty and colleagues, not just at GHC but at other institutions.”
Criteria necessary for consideration for the role includes both experience in leadership development facilitation and a desire to give back to other groups in the USG while providing facilitation to groups outside of a fellow’s home institution.
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Jellum expected to engage in a two-day USG Leadership Fellow conference as part of the requirements of the program’s application.
“Through a pivot, the conference turned into eight, two-hour virtual presentations and workshops throughout the months of May to August,” Jellum said.
According to USG, leadership fellows are expected to facilitate a minimum of one session per academic year and will work with USG’s Leadership Development Institute staff to connect to groups to meet specific needs. Participation in the program will be recognized by the system office and will last one year in duration.
Baudier said the program will allow for Jellum to both improve her instructional skills and to share her knowledge with members of other institutions.
“Being able to support your faculty as they serve others is a great resource,” Baudier said. “Georgia Highlands College benefits from Lisa being a fellow because she will represent GHC at other institutions expertly. She will learn from her experiences as a facilitator and be able to share those experiences with her GHC Chair and faculty colleagues. GHC will, in turn, also have the opportunity to work with a LID Fellow to facilitate leadership workshops and sessions for us.”