Dental Hygiene (RDH) Program

The U.S. News & World Report listed Dental Hygienist as the #5 profession in its “100 Best Jobs” list in 2015, and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that employment of dental hygienists will grow 33.3% through 2022. A strong math/science academic background is recommended for students pursuing a degree in dental hygiene. By following a recommended sequence of courses this pathway can be completed in 2 years. Start your journey toward obtaining your degree today.

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Start your journey toward a career in Dental Hygiene

  • Private dental offices
  • Schools
  • Public health clinics
  • Hospitals
  • Managed care organizations
  • Correctional institutions
  • Nursing homes
  • Dental, pharmaceutical or product sales companies
  • Research organizations
  • Educational institutions
  • Corporate environments